IGORRR change de voix

Pierre Sopor 12 juillet 2021

Tout d'abord projet solo du seul Gauthier Serre, IGORRR avait gagné en ampleur grâce au travail (exceptionnel) de Laurent Lunoir (ÖXXÖ XÖÖX) et Laure Le Prunenec (RÏCÏNN), tous deux au chant. Les deux artistes ne font désormais plus partie de groupe, le premier en raison de ses positions anti-vaccins (qui, au-delà des convictions de chacun, sont désormais incompatibles avec une tournée) et la seconde car elle souhaite avoir plus de temps pour elle. IGORRR accueille donc en son sein la soprano grecque Aphrodite Patoulidou ainsi que JB Le Bail au chant mais aussi Martyn Clement à la guitare.

On vous colle ci-dessous le communiqué en anglais du groupe :

Few updates to share with you ! We are working hard for all the summer shows at the moment! Covid didn't help us a lot, to say the least, but this led us to very positive changes in the band : Laurent decided to not get vaccinated, according to his personal beliefs. Even if we disagree with him, we respect his decision of course, however this has some consequences, regarding his ability to travel with us mainly, so, to be part of the line-up for the future. To say it shortly, Laurent is not a part of the project anymore.
In the meantime, Laure informed us, after this weird "off" period in our artistic journey that she wanted more time to focus on her private life and didn't show up at the rehearsals. As well, we fully support her. We are of course sad to see a page of Igorrr to be over, and we wish them the best for the future, but this led us to the awesome news : we are welcoming 3 new incredible people in the band: first, the greek soprano Aphrodite Patoulidou and JB Le Bail as our new vocalists, and finally Martyn Clement as our guitar player. It is, as challenging as exciting for us, to present to our audience this new live performance, where we'll play many songs from our last album "Spirituality and Distortion", plus, of course, some good ol' Igorrr's tunes. Can't wait to see you, and thanks for your support all those years.